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Hirazaki Files: Part 2: Tamiko Yukimura and the Daughters of Venus

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Hirazaki Files: Part 2: Tamiko Yukimura and the Daughters of Venus Empty Hirazaki Files: Part 2: Tamiko Yukimura and the Daughters of Venus

Post by RainTheMighty Sat May 25, 2019 6:22 pm

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Name: Tamiko Yukimura

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Faction Association: Daughters of Venus

Rank Status: Leader

Home Planet: Venus

Primary Location: Venus Chaser

Association on Planet: The Venus Team

Title on Planet: Celebrity President of Venus

Voice recording introduction: ~Testing...testing! One-two-three, This is Mikihisa Hirazaki of the Hirazaki Private Chronicler Agency or HPCA for short. As you all know my subscribers(oh yay it went up!) I have taken it upon myself to chronicalize, my own word yes, chronicalize these factions and their leaders who have once again decided humanity's fate. Let me set the record straight by saying that as someone who cares deeply for humanity and all it stands for, I will be withholding my judgments and personal opinions with great restraint and even greater regret. These factions and their leaders may not be well-suited for their jobs in my opinion but because this is fair chronicalization --my word again yes-- they will receive respectful, non-satirical, and true to the core information spoken and written about them here. Thus I, as a professional, must keep it strictly business(no matter how much it pisses me off). Now, glad that's out of the way. Here we go with part 2.~End voice recording introduction.

Voice recording: ~About seventeen years after the first galactic war, there was a woman who had sound ideas of unity and prosperity, sharing a similar ideology to the late great Pesen Love. This woman had support from millions of people who saw good in her because she proved her words were backed by her actions, just like Pesen. This woman's name was Tsubaki Kobayashi, she was a captain of a space vessel that housed an all-female crew of fifty, called the Venus Team. The Venus Team was a crew that took on various missions from espionage to assassination to rescue to soldiers-of-fortune, they were undeniably the best men- er women to take on any job. They worked closely with the first leader of Venus, up until she decided to go insane and make Venus a women-only having every man living there culled. The Venus team quickly overthrew her before she could finish the job and due to the public actually knowing who Tsubaki was and what she was about, they chose to elect her to be their new leader. And well, despite her not wanting the job she did have a few ideas she wanted to try.

Hirazaki Files: Part 2: Tamiko Yukimura and the Daughters of Venus Ndms9l
Name: Tsubaki Kobayashi, Age at ToD: 37

Tsubaki was a rough-and-tumble, no-nonsense woman who could deliver on what she promised, and what she promised was what Venus needed! A colony that could aid in producing food, water, and shelter. You see, Venus is the only planet to have the biggest issue with habitability due to it being the hottest planet in the solar system, so much so that the planet-side colony on Venus had been struggling to stay afloat. Soon it would be time to leave the planet altogether. Enter Tsubaki. After she and the Venus team overthrew the tyrannical old leader, she came up with a plan to construct a heat resistant colony that would form a ring around Venus. The ring would have billions of solar panels on the outside to absorb the rays from the sun, this abundance of energy would then power the entire colony ring. She would be the one to govern it as it would still be considered Venus so no one would have to worry about incompetent leadership, and to top it all off, she wanted both genders to live within the colony. Of course...there were those that did not believe in such a thing. Fast forward 10 years later, Tsubaki's promise was half-way complete thanks to the IGs making construction much easier, not to mention the workers from Venus were getting some special help. The ring colony she christened New Hope was being built by both men and women, keyword 'was', because like all fairy tales there's that one crazy plot twist. On September 18th, 2153 Tsubaki would be seen by millions of her supporters and her crew, drifting off in space...dead.

Yeah...dead. It was the most horrific day for anyone who supported her. The Venus Team were the ones that were the most devastated by it, their captain was just shot into space after all. There that seemed to be the most devastated by it all, the woman who would at that moment become the acting captain, Tamiko Yukimura...

Hirazaki Files: Part 2: Tamiko Yukimura and the Daughters of Venus 155gk8m
Name: Tamiko Yukimura, Age: 28

Getting ahead of myself though. To this day no one knows how she died, however, you'd have to be stupid to think that she just somehow wound up there and "oh hey I fergaht ta brain taday! Hurr durr dead!" No! She was obviously murdered. By who no one knows, but you have to admit that it's suspicious. What's even weirder was this new acting captain. She not only took control of the crew but also took over Tsubaki's New Hope project, the thing is...she wasn't next-in-line to be captain, Tsubaki's best friend Shinai Kagetsu was.

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Name: Shinai Kagetsu, Age: 46

Shinai was the crews mechanic, chief medical officer, and second-in-command, and was also the head of New Hope's construction until the sudden death of her best friend. This woman was the best candidate to replace Tsubaki, the most qualified and was even meant to next! And yet we got a man-hating thug with a superiority compl--

Audio has been censored...

--...Ok...Seems I need to get this thing fixed. I apologize, I had it set to censor swear words to avoid demonetization but I guess it must have picked up on my anger as well. I guess it saved me from getting off topic. Sorry. After Tsubaki's funeral, Shinai vanished without a trace, and after that Tamiko took Tsubaki's seat as captain and president of Venus. Ever since then things started to look exactly like would have should the first leader of Venus succeeded in her male genocide, but you know, without the male genocide. Venus's military began escorting men out to the ports, giving them ship passes while threatening to kill them should they not leave Venus in peace. The Venus Team members rejected this idea...well most did anyway, others willingly followed her. At first no one was for it as it separated families and went against Tsubaki's will, but eventually, those people just left the planet...or died. Soon, New Hope's intention became nothing but a distant memory as Tamiko's ideal planet-nation ran only by women, for women had come to pass. The only ones that were finishing the construction of the ring colony were the women and they, of course, did finish it but the end result felt hollow. Then came Tamiko's message...

Hirazaki Files: Part 2: Tamiko Yukimura and the Daughters of Venus 155gk8m
Maidens of the known galaxy, hear me.
I am but a humble leader who wishes for all of my sisters to come together.
To live in peace and harmony, free from the chains of a male-driven society.
Free from the worries of oppression and judgment from those who are lesser than you.
Join me, become a Daughter of Venus.
Fulfill your destiny.

Now I know what you are all thinking, this escalated way too fast to get to this point yeah? Well of course it did! I feel the same way you do about this nonsense. What's worse is that there were a lot of women who took to this message and are now residents of Venus to this day. A lot of them even added on to the ranks of The Venus Team, which of course like with Mercury's division I'll be listing the top brass from that group as well.

Now for my closing talks on Tamiko. She was a Venus Team crew member from the IG piloting division, she specialized in combat and nothing more so of course, it's not hard to tell why I and so many others disapproved of her replacing Tsubaki. Tsubaki didn't have the experience as a diplomat like her predecessor did but she was an experienced leader, Tamiko isn't. Shinai at least had some experience in that field but she also shared in Tsubaki's vision while also being pretty intelligent, but of course, she just disappeared. The whole thing behind that, Tamiko's rise to power, and Tsubaki's death are all just way to suspicious to ignore. My sources tell me that Tamiko and Tsubaki never saw eye-to-eye because of their personalities clashing, however, I can neither confirm or deny if such a personality exist because she has her mask on in public. What I can confirm is that she is the 5th best pilot and central military commander of DoV, and that their military strength is quite a force to be reckoned with. I'll leave you with this though, what she and everyone else in that planet-nation believe is wrong. No man is better than any woman, true, but it does not mean a woman is better than any man. Equality and coexistence is a must if we are to thrive and survive...that's something Pesen always said. I think I'm just sad his words don't echo in everyone's ears like they do mine.
. ~End audio...[/i]

The Venus Team

I did say before that I would be making a list of the top brass from The Venus Team, honestly, I enjoy this part the most because I have a guilty pleasure for all things mecha. Before any of you say that's because I'm Japanese, yes it is because I was born and raised in Tokyo and one of the many things I experienced in my youth is Mecha Anime. However, I will say that you can promptly go fuc--Audio Has Been Censored-- yourselves because Mecha is for everyone, not just the Japanese!

Now then, The Venus Team has been through a lot of roster changes over the years, with that comes changes to who has been the best of the best. And no, I do not mean that as a figure of speech because TvT has trained their people to be crazy impressive with IGs, mostly because one person within that group has remained a constant when it comes to training.

Hirazaki Files: Part 2: Tamiko Yukimura and the Daughters of Venus Brigitte.%28Overwatch%29.600.2319138
Name: Gloria Godfreid, Age: 87(yes, seriously, 87)

'Glorious' Gloria Godfreid has been a long-standing member of TvT and is the team's most respected officer. She trains those women like she would anybody that she expects to watch her back in a firefight, like they better know exactly what they are doing. She is ex-military, ex-black-ops, and a recently retired professional wrestler which is where she gained her name. This woman is seriously no joke, she can lift twice as much as the average male and yet she has the physique that says she's not able to, there is actually a reason for this though: She's a Genetic. A genetic is someone who was born in a test tube-- well not really a test tube cause the process they show on Hutube is actually very sophisticated and there is a distinct lack of test tubes but...basically she's the next step in human evolution(which also explains her age).

Now, she is not the leader or even in the top of TvT, we unfortunately already know who the leader is and the top is reserved for someone else, so why mention her first you may ask? Context, pure context. When the IG design was stolen by basically everyone there had to be someone who could pilot those bad boys and have the full know-how on both piloting them and piloting well, Gloria was one of them. I'm constantly reminded of stories where she drilled the old TvT members by making them shoot each other with live ammunition. Tsubaki wanted all of her girls(including herself) to know just how to use an IG in the most effective way, and you can bet that there were women who took to piloting better than the others, these girls were nicknamed Gloria's Girls.

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Name: Tsukiumi Kobayashi, Age: 16
That's right folks, Kobayashi, and no she's not Tsubaki's sister nor is she her cousin. No, Tsukiumi is her daughter. Crazy right? I didn't even know until like 2 weeks ago and as an ex-journalist, I took to snooping around to find out more on this girl, more so because I wanted to know why she was never mentioned by Tsubaki and anyone else from TvT for that matter. What I found was next to nothing, it's like this girl is a ghost. She acts exactly like her mother from what I hear, even smokes like her too, so you can't say she's not hers. My sources which they are very reliable by the way told me that she is, in fact, Tsubaki's daughter because one of them was in the room when Shinai was delivering her. I asked if they knew who the father was or if there was a father involved to which they replied with 'they don't know'. She's got blonde hair and grey eyes, which sounds familiar, it can't be...can it? N-nevermind I'll respect her privacy on that. On to the point of this one: She is the best pilot in TvT, hands down. There's not much more I can say on this. I mean she's the sole reason no one wants to have a go at DoV directly, she's handled missions by herself without so much as an issue. She pilots an IG called VG-1324 Gaze.

Hirazaki Files: Part 2: Tamiko Yukimura and the Daughters of Venus 0338fdc5e345ab2d2e9698bc2ac74fd276ba4b1bHirazaki Files: Part 2: Tamiko Yukimura and the Daughters of Venus 4e0edda833bac2c4b1743f9009d80d44
Name: Varuca Delance, Age: 19
The heiress to Yvette Delance's company, Delance Arms. Varuca is by far the most pompous of TvT's pilots and yet she is crazy good at piloting her custom IG, Twilight. Apparently, she considers herself to be Tsukiumi's rival, which makes her a meme in the eyes of anime lovers such as myself. Because she is literally the cackling rich girl that's actually really good at something, which I never thought would be a real thing until I heard of her.

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Name: May Vincent, Age: 23
Now here is a fun one. Tell me, what do you get when you cross an IG pilot, martial arts enthusiast, and a hardcore metalhead? You get May Vincent. Seriously, look her up she's a freaking monster. At the age of 15 she trained in the art of Brazillian Jui Jit Su, Tae Kwon Do, and Salsa Dancing(yes that Salsa Dancing). When she was 17 she won her first and last tournament, last because she accidentally killed a girl with the craziest kick to the neck, see why Tamiko took an interest in her yet? I hope you do. She never stopped training after she was banned from tournaments, not even when she became an IG pilot. She pilots a custom IG called Wukong. She's also a Linker by the way, that makes fighting her scary as h e l l.

Hirazaki Files: Part 2: Tamiko Yukimura and the Daughters of Venus Sample_92eb72a643ecb897540bc50247a1192038e14814Hirazaki Files: Part 2: Tamiko Yukimura and the Daughters of Venus Dc22c62b92de90eb80171671f24b486b
Name: Nakita Jones, Age: 18
Nakita Jones, the genius from Venus(sorry I couldn't help myself). Nakita is the smartest pilot and more than likely the smartest person in all of TvT. She is an Ex-Gen, a human that was born a Genetic but was given the cybernetic implant meant for Linkers. She lacks the ability to upload her subconscious into her custom IG, Lock-On Alpha, but makes up for it by using her talent for mathematics to absolutely calculate her shots. As you may have already figured out, she is their best-ranged specialist.

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Name: Denise Jones, Age: 16
Denise Jones is the youngest member of TvT and yet she is one of Gloria's Girls, which really tells you that age isn't an issue when it comes to being an insanely good pilot, the experience is. She is the younger sister of Nakita, and yet unlike her, she is unaltered. She lacks the genius intellect that her sister has but makes up for it with her gamer skills. Her custom IG, The Diva, is said to have its cockpit set up to look exactly like a game console. She does have a bad attitude and has a tendency to call her enemies noobs though, so it makes sense why she's the weakest of the strongest.

Those five make up the strongest within The Venus Team, Gloria's Girls. Tamiko leads the overall but to be honest I feel like Tsukiumi is the one that they follow out of respect. Who knows. Maybe it's just wishful thinking from me that maybe Tsubaki's legacy, her own daughter, is just like her in every good way possible. Speaking of that I've given it some more thought, I have a theory I want to test out and I want to take you all along with me for the ride. So please, bear with me as next week I'll be chronicalizing the Sons of Saturn and their leader, the ever so manly Takeshi Kuro!

Hirazaki Files: Part 2: Tamiko Yukimura and the Daughters of Venus D9ifcip-2f264a54-92e5-47e2-9318-f342ad0131f9.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2Q0OTJhMzYyLTg5MWEtNGQ3My05MjY1LTNmMmFkZjhlNGNlMlwvZDlpZmNpcC0yZjI2NGE1NC05MmU1LTQ3ZTItOTMxOC1mMzQyYWQwMTMxZjkucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0

Last edited by RainTheMighty on Mon Jun 10, 2019 8:16 am; edited 8 times in total

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Hirazaki Files: Part 2: Tamiko Yukimura and the Daughters of Venus Empty Hirazaki Files: Part 2: Tamiko Yukimura and the Daughters of Venus Cont

Post by RainTheMighty Fri May 31, 2019 1:13 am

What they are all about

Voice recording: ~Daughter's of Venus is (now) all about showing the superiority of women in the galaxy, however, Tamiko is kind of a mixed bag or mysterious so it is a bit of a toss-up. While both she and the first leader of Venus share the same sentiment, it's very difficult to tell what she really wants. The military itself isn't the largest and by no means the smallest, so I guess a happy medium if I'm being honest. They are scary good at being an army too, the rumors regarding their drills are the stuff of nightmares for anyone that pilots an IG. Their style from what I gather is doing whatever they want when it comes to their strongest in terms of handling most things and when things call for it, everyone goes everywhere.

Number of members(DoV): 95,000

Number of members(TvT): 1,250

Number of members(Overall): 96,250

List of Leaders:
1. Anna Fraey
2. Tsubaki Kobayashi
3. Tamiko Yukimura

Standard Military Units

Hirazaki Files: Part 2: Tamiko Yukimura and the Daughters of Venus E03350daa023db0c79ea096116b71344
I7-Armada Sienna

Hirazaki Files: Part 2: Tamiko Yukimura and the Daughters of Venus 488109118c1b2d748e7c10f658ef8c29
23-Infantry Ashley

Hirazaki Files: Part 2: Tamiko Yukimura and the Daughters of Venus 491f95d752ebf7a88099748aa991fb6a
12-Raid Cassidy

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